March 2020
COVID-19 Updates
Since the Graves Street Group has temporally closed it’s facility due to the COVID-19 virus the members are working hard, getting into action, setting up ways to contribute online and setting up other meeting opportunities. We have set up new ways to get your 7th Tradition donations to the group. The online meetings that are now taking place are listed. There are also other links to keep updated on the fellowship in action locally and around the world. Please help pass this information along to other AA’s and encourage them to get their email address sent in to be added. Keep watching there is more to come.
Visit the 7th Tradition page to see new ways to contribute to the group.
We have listed the online meetings on the Schedule Page. If you know of others, let us know through the Contact Us link at the top of the page.
There are many resources listed for AA both locally and world wide to keep you in contact with other AA’s.