At the May 15th Group Conscience twenty-one Graves Street members voted to reopen the facility and resume the regularly scheduled meetings. The meetings will begin Monday, May 18th, the group asks that attendees follow some suggested guidelines for everyone’s safety:  There will be a maximum of 25 people in the room at any time. Practice social distancing and stay at least six feet apart. Everyone in attendance should participate in wiping down there area and the common areas used during the meeting.  Please follow all CDC suggestions for staying safe and healthy. Please understand that it will take time for the meeting schedule to be as it was before. The Program Coordinator will need time to arrange for speakers on Thursdays and Saturdays so discussion meetings may be the best option. Because of the 25 person limit there will be no first Saturday Birthday Meeting in June.

A Note Concerning Online Meetings
We are grateful to those who have setup the virtual meetings but they are separate, not affiliated, with the Graves Street Group. We will cooperate with them in helping to pass information and links to the online meetings for those who are not ready to return to the facility but they have there own group conscience. The Graves Street Group has not approved any ability to link online meetings to the actual in person meeting facility. At this time no audio or visual equipment is approved to be used at the facility.

A Declaration of Unity
This we owe to A.A.’s future:
To place our common welfare first; To keep our fellowship united.
For on A.A. unity depend our lives, And the lives of those to come. 




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